Ahh, yes… Welcome 2014

Thanksgiving has come and gone. Christmas has come and gone. New Years has come and gone. In that time span under our roof we’ve experienced many of the adventures life has to offer, including but not limited to sickness, sadness, and vulnerability. The one constant during all that… FOOD!

Food brings me comfort, and I am not alone in that experience. As a friend would say.. Food is bond. The menu of my recent past reads like a google map of local take out eateries. My fridge stands abandoned in the kitchen.  My stove dusty with the crumbs of the holidays. My oven cold and uninviting.  These observations are accompanied by a sense of guilt. Multiply that by the effort to lead a dairy free life and I’d consider that enough guilt for any Italian mother.

imageSometimes that is just life, and recently that is my life.  That doesn’t stop me from savoring my meals and licking every last tasty morsel  from my styrofoam take out container. The point of all this? I’m not sure. Life has gotten in the way of one of my favorite pastimes- crafting in the kitchen, and it’s taken me a few meals to fully accept that and move on.  I guess I’m ready to move on, forgive, and refocus.

As as for that guilt. I’m only human and I’m doing the best that I can. We take what life throws at us and do what it takes to carry on. Me? I’m carrying on and plotting my return to the kitchen with a vengeance. So enjoy your take out guilt free for a  while longer and know you are in good company.

Sticking To Your Guns

Living dairy free isn’t always easy.  Living gluten free isn’t easy.  The list goes on and on.  Basically not eating everything and Imagebeing particular about what you eat, no matter the reason behind it, isn’t easy.  Now let’s multiple the challenges of a diet by the challenges of travel, holidays, eating out… we are creating a recipe for a major diet derailment! Despite all of these challenges I do my best to stick to my guns when it comes to food and I never go hungry and am never forced to break my dairy free lifestyle (lacking the will power is another issue.)  

How do you handle all these challenges?   I’ve learned the hard way on more than one occasion,and as a result have developed a few navigation tools when it comes to negotiating the challenges of dietary restrictions.

Dining with friends and family:
I always offer to bring something.  I casually inquire about the meal, or forgo that and just bring something that goes with the flow and requires little fuss.  For example: thanksgiving dinner.  So generally the stuffing, mashed potatoes and sometimes other veggies are off limits to those who avoid dairy, along with dessert. My solution: bring a filling side and dessert.  This year I’m contributing sweet potato butternut squash puree, pumpkin roll, and cranberry nantucket pie (because one dessert is never enough).
Dining out:
The wonderful thing about living in the year 2013 (almost 2014)… the internet!  Most restaurants post their menus online.  This can be a huge lifesaver!  I try to always review a menu in advance- scanning for dairy free options.  In general, there are a few really tough places: Italian, French and Indian.  Usually on the safer side: Chinese, Japanese and other Asian restaurants.  American fare is hit or miss- think of your butter based fried chicken wings, and cheese everything.  Salads are often the safest option.
On the road:
Traveling can be challenging.  I  load up on snacks and do my best to make educated food choices.  I look for restaurants that have salad bars, vegetarian options, or have some known favorites.  I find places that have a good selection of vegetarian options often are more accommodating in general and usually welcome the occasional question about ingredients. 

Breakfast on the go tends to be one of my biggest challenges: pancakes (have milk or butter) cereal and yogurt… I get a tummy-ache just thinking about it.  Safe options for breakfast include fresh fruit and your own food.  Eggs can be a great choice- but only if you are certain they do not include any milk.  If I’m on the road for a few days, I seek out a grocery store and load up or stop there for breakfast to grab a dairy free yogurt, granola and fruit.  I often travel with my own almond milk (my dairy free milk of choice) to use in my cereal.  It’s also not unheard of for me to pack my own granola and dried fruit, pick up a cold yogurt and call it a meal (or snack).  Airports can be really rough for food- you are generally limited on time and the choices often dismal- all the more reason to load up on go food in advance if absolutely necessary- grab an astronomically priced salad at a grab and go.

The lesson I’ve learned with all of this? It’s totally worth it!  Making the decision to go dairy free was not an easy one, nor one I came to lightly.  However, it has changed my life for the better in ways I could have never imagined. I am more mindful of what I choose to consume, I read labels more carefully, and in general I make healthier decisions about the food I eat. Have I ever experienced a dairy binge? Absolutely! To summarize and spare you the dirty details- I have had a period of time where I lack all self control and lapse into a downward spiral of bad eating habits. The outcome is usually migraines, vomiting… etc etc.  You’d think I’d learn the first time around.  But NO!  I’ll admit I’m not perfect and this has happened on more than one occasion.  I always recover, pick myself up by my bootstraps and make a promise to myself that next time I will stick to my guns and remain dairy free.

Back to Basics: Quinoa

Quinoa.  A mysterious food that has recently gained popularity and is becoming more common.  Let’s debunk some of the mystery surrounding this  so called Superfood.  Not only is quinoa very simple to make, it is both nutritious and delicious! It pairs well with just about anything- it is often prepared like rice and can often be used as a substitution for rice.  First, let’s cover the basics.  

Pronunciation: Quinoa: Kin-wa. 
What is it? Quinoa is a seed.  
Nutrition: Quinoa contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, fiber, magnesium. It is also considered a good source of protein. 
IMG_5662Where to find quinoa: Quinoa can now be found in most large grocery stores. Check by the rice and grain section, if all else fails check the natural/organic food section.  It can be purchased in pre-packaged amounts or sometimes in bulk.  (Like rice)

How to make quinoa:

1 cup dry quinoa
2 cups water

  1. Rinse the quinoa under cold water.  (otherwise it gets too mushy when prepared)
  2. Add quinoa and water to small sauce pan, uncovered bring to a boil.
  3. Reduce to a low simmer, cover and allow to simmer for 15-20 minutes (or until most of the water has been absorbed).
  4. Remove from heat, “fluff” with a fork and allow to sit for 5-10 minutes before serving.

Serving suggestions and variations:

  • Substitute veggie or chicken stock for water
  • Substitute lite coconut milk for water
  • Add spices or cooked veggies to quinoa before cooking
  • Add dried fruit to quinoa before cooking

Peanut Butter and Strawberry Banana Sandwich

Don’t knock it until you’ve tasted it… a peanut butter sandwich with fruit that is.  I’m not a fan of jelly, and it’s taken me until adulthood to appreciate peanut butter and the endless possibilities that can be created with it.  Until recently we had a restaurant that was devoted entirely to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (they closed, apparently an expanded menu might have been a better business idea than offering only pb &j).  Their menu was… creative. I have to give them that, peanut butter offered in every way imaginable.  But personally, I find that on the few occasions I crave peanut butter I am always left searching for complementing ingredients.  As a snack, I’d recommend going with your basic apple wedges with peanut butter, but for a more substantial snack or light lunch, consider loading up that sandwich with fruit like strawberry and banana.  If you really want to go all out- add some mini chocolate chips.  Lightly toasting the bread allows the peanut butter to get a little gooey and soft.  Now we’re talking heaven.  

Peanut Butter and Strawberry Banana Sandwich

creamy peanut butter

2 slices bread of your choice (my choice is potato bread)
2 large strawberries, thinly sliced
½ banana, thinly sliced
creamy peanut butter

  1. Lightly toast the bread
  2. Spread a thin layer of peanut butter on each side of the bread
  3. Place sliced strawberries on one side of the bread and banana on the other.
  4. Assemble your sandwich and enjoy immediately!


  • Add mini chocolate chips
  • Experiment with other fruits: apple, pear

Discovering “TJ’s Handy Product Lists”

Trader Joe’s just rocked my world.  I was poking around online, looking for inspiration and ideas in the form of new ingredients and I discovered the “Handy Product List”.  This online resource allows you to click on the icon of your choice, then provides a store catalogue of available store items.  You can choose from: No Gluten, Vegan, Vegetarian, Fat Free, Quick Meal, Kosher or Sodium.  While none of these options create a diary free list, they are an excellent starting point.

How to find the lists:

  1. Go to www.traderjoes.com
  2. On the menu bar, click on “Products & Guides”
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and you’ll see a box titled “Trader Joe’s Handy Product Lists”. Select the box/category you are interested in.
  4. Once you select a category (i.e. Vegan). You can then scroll through a list of Trader Joe’s Vegan Products by category, like Bakery, Cereal, Grocery etc.

At the top of each category list TJ’s provides an explanation of how they define each category so you are not left wondering how and why an item earns a place on that list. For example, what does it mean to be vegan product at Trader Joe’s? According to their website Vegan is identified as products free of all animal and or animal by-product.  Of course there is a disclaimer that these lists might not be all inclusive and it is always best to read labels.  

Moral of this story for me- I can spend some time in the comfort of my own home searching for new products  and doing my homework in advance of my next trip to Trader Joe’s without making it a 3 hour affair

Have you ever tried Almond Milk? Starting the Dairy-Free Life

I raided my fridge and cupboard and came back with this group of necessary items.

In my quest to maintain my dairy-free lifestyle I find myself reliving the same conversation with friends and family as they inquire about how I live dairy-free.  Secret: I’m not perfect, and dairy sneaks in every once and a while, especially when dining out. But at home, I am on constantly searching for the perfect dairy substitutes for recipes and for daily consumption by yours truly.

A few MUST have items for me:

Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Sticks

Silk Almond Milk

Silk Soy Yogurt

Olivio Coconut Spread

Venturing into the dairy-free lifestyle presented some initial challenges as I struggled to replace some of my usual snacks and condiments.  Now that I’ve discovered it, I don’t think I could do without shredded coconut on hand. I put it in everything! Brownies, cookies, it’s wonderful, and never mind the fact that some recipes actually call for it!

Good for snacking & spreading:


Dried Fruit



Fruit Bars

I distinctly recall a desperate voicemail I left for a friend complaining about how hungry I was all the time. This was due to the sudden change in diet and lack of balance. I was no longer snacking on crackers, yogurt, cheese, and chocolate.  I sorted that out by carrying more snacks and looking at the whole picture of food intake.  It is a forever journey. That initial trip to the supermarket was terrifying.  I stood in aisle after aisle paralyzed, and after a few hours, I gave up and headed to the car.  I decided then and there to have a goal: on each trip to the supermarket I look for one new item that is dairy-free.  This made the lifestyle change a whole lot easier, breaking it down into manageable tasks.  I still look for new items each time I go to the store, but realize it is equally important not to be overwhelmed, and I’ve added another goal: always have fun!   

And did I mention I discovered my absolute LOVE for Almond Milk & Cereal? I can count on one hand the number of times I actually enjoyed a bowl of cereal at breakfast before going dairy-free.  Now, I look for any excuse to pour a bowl.  I also made the switch of sweetener in my morning coffee to some almond milk instead. And there is no looking back!